Integrated system policy


HUGEHALLS Group SA company deals with the production and sale of tent halls and structures
steel and aluminum as well as all types of car tarpaulins and other products
made of PVC materials, strives to achieve a significant position on the Polish and foreign markets and
maintaining the position of a trustworthy partner through improvement in management and
competitively meeting customer needs in a modern, safe and economical way
and ecologically clean


  • Maintenance and continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System in accordance with the requirements of the PN-EN ISO 9001, PN-EN ISO 14001, PN-EN ISO 45001, PN-EN ISO 3834-2 and PN-EN1090-1 standards.
  • Maintaining and systematically expanding the existing customer base.
  • Conducting rational waste management in order to minimize its impact on the environment and limit the amount of waste generated, as well as rational use of utilities.
  • Launching investment or modernization tasks using new available techniques (BAT).
  • Raising awareness of quality, ecology and health and safety of all employees and engaging them in promoting and applying environmental protection principles.
  • Determining the impact of climate and its changes on the company's operations and continuously monitoring the company's operations to reduce the negative impact on the climate.


  • meeting the requirements of legislation and legal regulations in the field of quality and environmental protection
    and occupational health and safety and compliance obligations;
  • ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions for work-related prevention
    injuries and health ailments
  • eliminating hazards and mitigating health and safety risks.
  • environmental protection, including pollution prevention,
  • consultations and participation of employees in the field of occupational health and safety.
  • providing funds for the operation of the Integrated Management System
    and we would like to inform you that the Integrated Management System Policy
    – corresponds to the set goals of the organization
    – was agreed with the employees
    – is publicly available
  • taking into account the requirements of stakeholders related to climate change in the company's operations
HUGEHALLS Group SA's determination of the organizational context and assessed risks
and opportunities constitute the basis for increasing the effectiveness of the IMS.

The Quality Policy is periodically reviewed to define new, higher goals.